What Is Lifestyle Blogging Tips for Unique Content Creation

Thoughts on Lifestyle Blogging and Finding a Unique Content Portfolio

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about lifestyle blogging and the ever-changing industry it belongs to. Unlike fashion or beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs focus on a unique mix of bloggers’ own carefully selected interests.

Over time, I’ve found that I’ve naturally moved into the category of “lifestyle blogger” rather than just limiting myself to fashion, even though I started out in fashion. This shift to a broader lifestyle focus has allowed me to share more about topics that really resonate with me at this stage of my life.

In this post, I’m going to delve into what lifestyle blogging means to me and how to find the right lifestyle blog for you. My hope is that after reading this post, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to prioritize your blog so that you can create content more easily and run your blog more enjoyably.

Even if you’re not a blogger, I’m sure this post will inspire you. We’re all building our own lifestyles, so whether or not you’re sharing your lifestyle through your blog, it’s worth taking a moment to think about what really makes your heart sing.

If you can’t wait to finalize your “lifestyle portfolio,” there’s a writing exercise at the end of this post.

What is a Lifestyle Blogger?

First, let’s be clear: what exactly is a lifestyle blogger?

Lifestyle bloggers curate content based on personal interests and daily activities. As a result, lifestyle blogs are often intensely personal, reflecting the writer’s geographic location, life stage, and unique experiences.

Many successful lifestyle bloggers start out in niches such as fashion, beauty or cooking. As their audience grows, so does their content. As the number of followers and demand increased, these bloggers began to dabble in a wide range of topics from travel to parenting and even family life.

So what does this mean for you as a blogger? A lifestyle blogger’s job is to curate content based on their interests and activities without being limited to any specific category. This curation is your “fusion” and what makes your blog stand out in a world of content. The beauty of lifestyle blogging is that no one can define your blog but you. Your blog is unique and it will engage your audience in its own style.

If you’re looking for inspiration for a lifestyle blog that reflects your personality, take a look at the way other people organize their content. For example, some bloggers focus on topics like necklace layering, adding a personal touch to their personal style while expanding into new areas of interest.

Time to make a change?

Have you ever been confused about your blog’s theme? Or, do you feel like your current blog content is too limited? I totally understand.

For me, it was only natural to move to lifestyle blogging as my life changed. From the time I started blogging at the age of 20 to now at the age of 27, I’ve gone through a lot of personal and professional changes. These changes have also led to a shift in the way I approach blogging.

I am not alone in this journey. Many fashion bloggers have gone through similar shifts. For example, Kate Arends from Wit & Delight shared her rethinking of running a lifestyle blog in 2014, “Why not rethink what it means to run a lifestyle blog? After all, the definition of lifestyle is how people choose to live.”

As we go through different stages of life, our content naturally changes. Embracing this change is how we can create a blog that is more authentic and in tune with our personal experiences.

Embracing a Full and Elegant Life: The Zera Philosophy

Living well is about more than furnishing a beautiful home or investing in timeless fashion pieces. It’s about the art of designing a life that resonates with deeper meaning and purpose. At Zera, we believe that living well includes more than just aesthetics-it’s also about grace, cultivating kindness, contributing to your community, and developing a full, rich life with substance. If life isn’t lived with purpose, integrity, and grace, I don’t know what else there is to aspire to.

The Journey from Fashion to Lifestyle

When I first launched Zera, I was just a student at London College of Fashion, deeply immersed in the world of fashion. My life was filled with street style inspiration and my closet reflected the trends and excitement of being young and experimental. I embraced the brilliance of fashion – from Scandinavian minimalism (before it became a global trend) to the bold energy of the preppy look and punk style.

Fashion ignited the beginning of my collaboration with Zera. Over the years, fashion has perfected my creativity. I love mixing and matching pieces, finding vintage pieces and exploring my evolving personal style. Sharing these outfit-matching adventures on my blog has allowed me to connect with a vibrant community, collaborate with exciting brands, and share my love of fashion.

However, over time, my interests began to expand beyond fashion. As I grew older, I found myself more interested in lifestyle topics that involved living a fuller, richer lifestyle. Now, as I look back on my journey, I realize that fashion is not as central to my thoughts as it once was.

A Shift in Perspective: Zera Blend

As I grew up, so did the content of Zera. Around the time I turned 25 or so, I felt it was time to write about topics on my blog that were more in line with my growth trajectory. I wanted to share some of the broader interests that really resonated with me, and I hope they resonate with you as well.

At Zera, we don’t just talk about fashion – we explore a lifestyle that celebrates balance, creativity and authenticity. From interior design to wellness, personal growth and meaningful connections, my goal is to offer a range of content that reflects my evolving passions. This blend of lifestyle elements reflects the core of who I am now and what I continue to share with my readers.

While fashion is still a part of who I am, it is no longer Zera’s primary focus. Instead, the label “lifestyle blogger” feels more natural. As I’ve transitioned from being a fashion-centric blogger to someone who shares a more holistic approach to lifestyle, I’ve found myself embracing a wider range of topics – from home décor to self-care to inspirational moments in everyday life.

Reflecting on Growth and Change

For those of you who have been following Zera from the beginning, you may know that I made a major change in my life when I moved out of London and started living a slower, more mindful lifestyle. This shift involved not only geography, but a complete rethinking of how I live, work and connect with others.

As my interests expanded, being limited to one area made me feel confined. This was a pivotal moment in my life and blogging career that encouraged me to explore new avenues and more fully embrace my identity as a lifestyle blogger. On Zera, I share my insights, inspirations, and moments that inspire me and reflect a more holistic view of life.

If you feel like your creative direction isn’t quite aligned with your authentic self, then maybe it’s time to stop and think and adjust. Just as I went from focusing solely on fashion to embracing a richer and more diverse lifestyle, I encourage you to explore what truly resonates with you.

Here at Zera, I will continue to create content about all aspects of my life – content that I hope will resonate with yours as well. Whether you’re here for fashion, home inspiration, or to discuss personal growth, I’m here to share content that I think enriches our lives in the most meaningful ways.

Your Unique Mix of Content

As Steve Jobs once wisely noted:
“Have the courage to listen to your heart and your gut. They already know who you really want to be.”
The key is to find what moves you in the moment. What ignites your passion and curiosity?

Here are the things that excite me in my life right now:

  • Home decor
  • Personal style
  • Beauty and skincare
  • Affordable travel and adventure
  • Self-development
  • Wellness
  • Exercise
  • Blogging
  • Small Business
  • Entertaining at Home
  • Navigating Life in Your Twenties
  • …… Who knows what else will happen in the future!

Discover Your Unique Content Mix

If you’re looking for your own unique blogging style, the following simple exercise will guide you. This will give you a clearer idea of what content you should be creating so you can move forward with more confidence and focus.

1. Make a list of 3-5 lifestyle topics that spark your interest

Think about areas that spark your interest – everything from fashion, home décor, beauty, health and DIY to family life, fitness, food, photography and more. This list should reflect what you’re really interested in, and those interests will change over time.

For example, when I lived in a rented apartment in the city, I rarely thought about home decor. But since Ollie and I moved into our current house, I can’t get enough of decorating our space.

Keep in mind that your lifestyle blog goes through different phases, just like your personal journey.

2. Choose 3-5 adjectives that reflect your blog’s personality

How would you like people to describe your blog? Consider some adjectives that convey the vibe you want to convey: elegant, thoughtful, stylish, genuine, minimalist, trendy, supportive, glamorous, laid back, authentic, etc.

3. Analyze 3 of your favorite fashion and lifestyle blogs

We all consume content on a regular basis, but taking the time to analyze why you like certain blogs can yield valuable insights. What are these blogs about? What in their style or tone resonates with you?

Take Emily’s Cupcakes & Cashmere for example. She has her own clear categories and sticks to them: fashion, food, beauty, decor, DIY and parenting. What impressed me most was not only the content itself, but the balance in the way she covered it – it felt authentic and comprehensive.

Your lifestyle blog should reflect your unique experiences. What’s your secret pinterest?

Bonus tip: Create a secret Pinterest board for inspiration!

In 2015, I created a secret Pinterest board when I was rebranding The Elgin Avenue. I pinned everything that inspired me to help me determine a brand identity that fit my vision for myself and the blog.

What is your vision?

What interests you right now, both personally and as a blogger? What is your “hybrid style”?
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments section or on social media!

Love you.

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