Chicken By-Product Meal in Pet Food Explained for Dog Cat Owners

Nutrition labels on pet food can be overwhelming, but this guide will help you decipher what they mean. On any label, you will see a detailed list of ingredients: food ingredients, vitamins/minerals, and probiotics.

One ingredient you may encounter is animal by-products, which is often controversial in the pet food world. By-products are the parts of the animal that remain after the parts intended for human consumption have been removed. For example, chicken by-products may include chicken claws, chicken livers, chicken lungs and other organs. When choosing a natural pet food, it’s vital to understand these ingredients and their nutritional contributions to ensure your pet gets a balanced diet.

What are by-products and by-product meal?

By-products in pet food are parts of animals that are not typically consumed by humans, while by-product meal is a dried and ground version of these parts. Both can be used as a concentrated source of protein in your pet’s diet. For example, chicken by-product meal in cat food is often used because it is inexpensive for manufacturers, although it is not always the most desirable ingredient.

What is chicken by-product meal in dog food?

Chicken by-product meal is different from chicken meal. Chicken meals are made from clean meat, skin and bones, whereas chicken by-products include internal organs such as lungs, spleen, liver and kidneys, which are considered “less desirable”. At Zera, we prioritize high-quality ingredients such as chicken meals, which you can find in our premium natural pet foods such as our Roasted Chicken and Sweet Potato Dog Food.

If you’re wondering how to determine your dog’s age in terms of human age, check out our Dog Age Comparison Chart to get a better idea of the life stage your furry friend is in.

What are the chicken by-products in cat food?

Cat food contains the same by-products as dog food. However, chicken meal is a better choice due to its stability and digestibility. Zera’s Naked Essentials Chicken + Duck Cat Food contains high quality chicken meal to ensure that your cat receives optimal nutrition.

What is the difference between chicken by-product meal and chicken meal?

Chicken meal is a premium ingredient made from clean, whole chicken parts that provides a rich, reliable source of protein. In contrast, chicken by-product meal contains harder-to-digest ingredients, such as giblets and bones, and is therefore of lower quality. That’s why Zera uses chicken meal in all of its natural pet foods to support optimal pet health.

Are by-products safe for pets?

By-products come from the leftovers of meat, poultry and fish processing. These ingredients are processed at high temperatures, which may degrade or destroy natural enzymes and proteins. As a result, the nutritional quality of by-products may vary greatly from batch to batch.

In addition, by-products are often unattractive to pets and require the addition of artificial flavors or fats to enhance the palatability of the food. While by-products themselves are not harmful to pets, their quality is inconsistent. At Zera, we never use by-products in natural pet foods. When in doubt, understanding the differences between ingredients can help you make better nutritional choices for your pet.

Choosing the Best Nutrition for Your Pet

Understanding the difference between chicken by-product meal and chicken meal is crucial when deciding on a pet food. Chicken by-product meal is made from indigestible parts and has varying nutritional value. Chicken meal, on the other hand, is a high-quality, consistent source of protein commonly found in premium, natural pet foods. To provide superior nutrition, Zera ‘s Baked and Delicious Dog Food and Naked Essentials Chicken + Duck Cat Food are made with only the best ingredients, including chicken meal, to keep your pet happy and healthy.

Updated January 23, 2024

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