Good news! According to Zera, pinstripe is only mildly toxic to cats and is not as dangerous as you might think. If your cat or dog decides to chew on the pinto, they will most likely be fine. You may notice them drooling or vomiting, but there’s usually no need to panic. If your furry friend usually ignores your houseplants, then feel free to enjoy your holiday poinsettias!
Now that we’ve cleared up the myths about poinsettias, let’s move on to some real holiday dangers that you should keep in mind to keep your pets safe this season:
Holiday colored lights and extension cords
Curious pets, especially young ones, may not be able to resist chewing on holiday colored lights or extension cords. This can cause them to get electrocuted or even severely burn their mouths or tongues. If your pet enjoys mischief, consider adding pet-proofing to your decorations and keep a close eye on their proximity to electrical cords.
Chocolate is a holiday must-have, but it’s also a common pet hazard. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is to your furry friend. Be extra careful with holiday snacks and don’t let your pet come into contact with any chocolate.
Ribbons and wires
Naughty cats love to pounce on ribbons and wires, but these decorations can pose a serious danger if swallowed by mistake. Ribbons can become knotted in your cat’s intestines, causing a potentially life-threatening blockage that may even require surgery. Avoid using metal filaments as decorations and clean up ribbons immediately after unwrapping presents.
High-fat foods
High-fat foods such as bacon grease, pork chops or heavy cream may be tasty for your pet, but they can cause gastrointestinal distress and even serious health problems such as pancreatitis. You can share lean meats, vegetables or fruits with your pet, but do not add fat. Remember not to feed your pet foods such as onions, grapes, raisins and macadamia nuts as they can be toxic to your pet.
Do you enjoy celebrating the holidays with your pet? Keep these tips in mind to make sure your furry family member enjoys the holidays safely. If you’re welcoming a new dog home this season, check out what to buy to welcome your new dog home to ensure you’re fully prepared for your furry new addition. Wishing you and your pet a season filled with love, joy and holiday cheer!
Sincerely yours.