Pink Sofa Love: Meet Our New Stylish Addition!

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Please meet: our brand new pink sofa!
She’s finally here! Please take a look at our stunning new pink sofa! Isn’t she beautiful?

I shared tips for picking out a new sofa in my previous interior design post, so I won’t go into that this time. However, I do want to share how our beautiful new pink sofa came to be and how Ollie and I selected the style and color of this sofa! Ready? Let’s get started!

Ready? Let’s get started!


Sofa Style: Bergen Right Hand Facing 4 Seat Chaise End Sofa from Zera
Fabric: Pale pink Alba velvet

Bergen Style Sofa

As I mentioned in my last blog post, Ollie and I wanted another L-shaped sofa. This loveseat creates a cozy corner and divides the space nicely. Plus, I love to recline on it so much that I’ve come to think of it as “my spot”! We considered several of Zera’s L-shaped sofas, with the Lugano style being the closest to what we wanted. But in the end, the Bergen sofa met all our requirements: the size (a little bigger than the previous sofa), the size of the sofa, the size of the sofa, the size of the sofa, and the size of the sofa.

We considered several L-shaped sofas from Zera, of which the Lugano style sofa was very close to our requirements. But in the end, the Bergen style sofa met all of our requirements: size (a little larger than the previous sofa), shape and overall design.

The Bergen sofa has some gorgeous design details that make it stand out: the hidden cushions – they make leaning back incredibly comfortable! Additionally, piping details, buttons and tapered wooden legs all add elegance to the design.

Our Fabric Choices + Colors

You may think it was my idea to choose a pink sofa, but it was actually Ollie who suggested it! It took me a long time to convince him!

I was apprehensive about a pink sofa because some shades are too sweet for me. I also didn’t want to invest in such a big project and risk getting bored quickly. Once the design was finalized, we ordered a series of fabric swatches to compare.

We chose neutral light tones and ordered a variety of stone colors and dark pinks.

My advice: don’t skip this step! Ordering fabric swatches – whether it’s furniture, flooring or paint – can lead to unexpected results! Ollie and I have thought we had a color or fabric picked out, only to receive a sample and not like it, or find out we like another color better! Many companies will send samples for free or for a small fee.

In the end, I really liked the dusky pink fabric! Since we live in a Georgian apartment, Ollie and I tend to choose furniture that complements that era, and as it turns out, the soft pink color goes very well with our home.

Tips for choosing a sofa in a striking color

Funnily enough, I already have a pink sofa in my office, so I’m no stranger to bold colors. But the living room is our main space for entertaining and relaxing, and having a bigger couch in the living room feels like making a bigger commitment! Here are some tips for choosing a sofa in a striking color:

–Consider the overall color scheme
Our pink sofa is definitely a striking sofa, but it blends harmoniously with the other colors in the living room and throughout the apartment. If you’re not sure if a certain color is right, pull out a fabric swatch (see, how helpful!) Compare it with the other colors in the room. Does it complement your walls, other furniture or artwork? For extra peace of mind, you can even create a mood board with your chosen color to check if the main color matches the overall design. Bold pops of color can look great too!

–Use a color wheel
This may sound a bit cliché, but it really works! When picking your primary color, check the color wheel to see the colors that are adjacent and directly diagonal to the chosen color. You can even find color wheel calculators online for more help!

–Be Bold!
A striking piece is striking for its own reason! If you want to be bold and experiment with color palettes, then let it go. I absolutely love our new pink couch and love to fiddle with its look! For me, by adding my favorite cushions and fringed blanket, the living room instantly feels like home.

If you’re looking for more tips on choosing the perfect color palette or design elements for your home, be sure to check out our Realize Your Potential page for in-depth guidance and inspiration!

What do you think?

I absolutely love our new pink couch – if you haven’t heard me brag about it yet, you’ve probably been living under a rock! Seriously, it’s very striking, elegant and luxurious without being over the top. Every night I can’t stop telling Ollie how much I love “my couch”. It’s almost become my favorite evening ritual!

Next step: designing the molding for the wall above the sofa! We’ve arranged for carpenters to install shelves on either side of the fireplace and added a stylish easel above the sofa. I’ll keep you all updated on the progress!

I’m also going to repeat what I’ve said before (and it’s worth repeating twice!) : Zera is definitely an ideal person to order from. This is the second time I’ve purchased furniture from them and each time they’ve delivered on time and the delivery team are always very professional and helpful. Their online customer service is great if you’re unsure of your options, or you can always visit the store if you prefer to check it out in person! I highly recommend Zera if you’re thinking of updating your home, especially if you’re buying big ticket items!

Love you, Monica x

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