Unfortunately, your cat can’t thrive on cuddles and love alone. Your new fur child needs high quality milk (or milk alternatives) and nutritious food to grow into a happy, healthy adult. Focusing on nutrition early in your kitten’s development will lay the foundation for a vibrant, active life. The key to raising a healthy kitten is feeding the right food at the right time. To help you care for your kitten, Zera has created this guide to guide you through the first year of your kitten’s life.
Kitten Feeding Guide
The amount and type of food a kitten needs will change as it grows. To make it easier for you to understand, we’ve listed the types and amounts of food kittens need at each stage of growth.
Birth to four weeks:
At this stage, kittens should eat as much as they want. Ideally, they should be on breast milk, but if this is not possible then kitten formula is a good option. Free-feeding – leaving food out for them to eat as needed – is a good option. Keep a close eye on their weight gain, but unless you notice any problems, continue feeding as usual.
Four to eight weeks:
This is the time to start weaning. Start feeding them wet or dry cat food mixed with milk replacer. Feed them often, gradually reducing the milk replacer as they get used to solid food. By the end of this stage, kittens should be able to get most of their nutrition from their food.
Two to three months:
At this point, your kitten should be eating only solid food. You can offer wet or dry food (or both) and let them choose their favorite flavors – they’ll be sure to tell you what they like! Instead of random feedings, transition to regular feedings 4 times a day. If your cat doesn’t like dry food, try adding a little water to the dry food to make it more palatable. If you’re wondering how to change your cat’s food from dry to wet, there are some simple ways to make it easier for your kitten to eat.
Three to six months:
Now it’s time to establish a daily feeding routine. Feed your kitten three times a day at regular intervals. Daily feeding helps the kitten establish a sense of security and healthy habits. Try to feed only one kind of food, with one teacup per feeding. Pay attention to the weight of the kittens to ensure their healthy growth.
Six months to one year:
Your kitten is now officially a cat, but they still need nutrition. Feed them twice a day and make sure their diet contains essential nutrients such as protein, taurine and arginine. By maintaining a consistent feeding schedule and providing high-quality food, they’ll stay strong and healthy through the transition to adulthood.
Feeding Tips
As much as you want to share food with your adorable kitten, there are some things you should avoid. Don’t give your kitten milk, raw fish, raw eggs, or raw meat, as these things can damage their sensitive digestive system. By following the feeding guidelines above, you can help your kitten grow into a happy, healthy cat.
Happy feeding from all of us at Zera!