Set Positive Intentions at the Start of Every Week for Success

Why and how to set positive goals each week

If you’ve been around long enough, you know how much I love making a well thought out to-do list at the beginning of the week. Over the past 9+ years of working from home, I’ve tried countless ways to be more productive, and many of them have to do with lists. However, a positive mindset is another matter.

Checking off completed tasks from a to-do list can feel good, but I’ve come to realize that true satisfaction, whether at home or at work, isn’t just in getting work done. Sometimes it lies more in aligning with broader goals and values.

In today’s complex environment, it can be difficult to stay in control. Your ‘normal’ may be very different. But even when things are uncertain, there are still some things you can control – and setting positive intentions is one of them.

I’m thrilled to have Chelsea Becker, who has been incredibly influential in this area, share her insights. She will talk about how setting positive goals at the beginning of the week can really make a difference. Hopefully her perspective will resonate with you as much as it did with me.

Whether it’s Monday or any other day, it’s never too late to start the week afresh and greet each day with a fresh outlook.

What is positive intention?

One of the greatest benefits of healthy exercise is focusing on positive behaviors and commitments. Whether it’s spending more time outdoors, eating healthier, or finding ways to make the week better, there is a strong desire to prioritize yourself.

One of my favorite habits on my list of things I’m looking for in the good life is positive intentions.

I’ve tried meditation and self-affirmations (and still love them), but what really benefits me is making positive plans each week.

It’s important to note that intentions are not exactly the same as tasks on a to-do list. They’re not about accomplishing tasks like “do laundry” or “send an email,” either at home or at work. Instead, intentions are about who you are as a person – your mindset, happiness and overall focus for the week ahead.

What exactly is “intention”?

Intentions, by definition, are “things intended to be done; goals or plans”.

In terms of positive intentions, they’re more like plans to get you through the week. Tasks belong on your to-do list, while intentions guide your behavior and mindset, allowing you to focus on your physical and mental health.

Let’s face it: intentions change from week to week. Some weeks I have more intentions than others, but that’s the beauty of them – they change based on what you need most in the moment.

Jess Lively delves into this concept in her podcast and course, which Monica and I both follow closely. It shapes our beliefs about living positively. For more inspiration, you may want to explore how to maximize your potential, a topic that fits perfectly with setting goals and living on purpose.

When should you set goals?

Setting goals helps to clear your mind and create space for a new week to be more meaningful. That’s why I like to set goals on Sunday night or Monday morning.

I work from home and have a more flexible schedule (like many people do these days) so I can make time to think. If you feel like weekends (or any day) work better for you, make them your own. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here – setting goals is a personal habit that you need to shape for yourself.

For me, making plans on Sunday or Monday helps me to better plan my week, and starting the week with a full head of steam is always the icing on the cake!

Setting goals clears your mind, mentally prepares you for the week, and ensures you are aligned with your goals and values. It’s a great way to implement a sense of purpose into everything you do.

Zera Setting Positive Goals

Setting goals is like taking a moment to look at yourself. It’s about recognizing where you are right now.
What are your thoughts?
Where do you wish to focus your attention?
What small changes do you wish to make?

Every week has a new vibe, so it’s important to really know how you’re feeling this week. If last week’s intentions no longer align with your current situation, then toss them. But if you feel like they still need more time or attention, then bring them with you. You can jot down your intentions in your favorite notebook, make a note in your phone, record a voice memo, or even say them out loud – the choice is yours. For me, I’m a big fan of writing them down with pen and paper ✍️💫

Let go of old ideas

If last week’s intentions no longer align with your thoughts, leave them behind.
If you still want to continue, take them out.

What do intentions look like?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to goals. That’s the beauty of goals! Maybe your goals are short and easy, or maybe they’re deeper. Or maybe both. I want to share some of my goals as examples. I always stay positive and focus on whatI can add to my life, not what I want to stop doing.

It’s kind of a mind game I play with myself, but I feel that focusing on the positive aspects of my life gives me more energy and makes me more likely to succeed.

Positive plan for the week:

  • I will write down how I feel.
  • I will be the first to smile.
  • I will spend more time in nature.
  • I will choose cuddling over swiping my phone.
  • I will prioritize rest over busy work.

As you can see, my goals are simple and easy! They don’t weigh me down or act like any other task on my to-do list. They exist to guide me to a better, more fulfilling week.

These goals come from a week where I felt a bit isolated, so this time around I’m focusing on connection, self-care, and balance. My goal is to create a more natural life for myself, focus on the people I care about, and let go of the pressure to be perfect.

If you’re also exploring how to prioritize self-care, then you might be inspired by how to choose the perfect bra for your breast shape, which emphasizes comfort and alignment with your needs.

That’s the key – focusing on where you are right now and making a positive plan to make the week ahead sunny and fulfill your needs.


A positive attitude is about creating a positive energy-filled plan for the week ahead. It centers on your well-being and creates a week full of uplifting moments for you. Leave the stress of to-do lists and tasks behind and focus on what really makes you feel good.

What about you?

I’m a big fan of making positive plans and would love to hear what you have planned for yourself! It would be so rewarding to share and inspire each other. I hope the plans you make this week take you into a world of peace, joy and a moment of serenity in the midst of your busyness.

May you have a safe journey!

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