Cat Sleeping Habits Everything You Should Know for Better Care

If you’re like us, you gaze at your cats – the most majestic creatures on the planet, thank you very much – about 367 times a day and wonder what’s going on in their cute little heads. What are they thinking? How are they feeling? And most importantly, why are they napping again?

Well, wonder no more! We’re here to decipher your beloved cat’s sleepy habits and tell you what they’re saying about your furry companion so you can focus on what’s really important: scratching and cozying up for a cuddle.

Cat Sleeping Positions

Cats can sleep almost anywhere. One minute they’re sprawled out on the refrigerator, and the next they’re passed out sleeping in a cardboard box full of last week’s recycling (yes, we saw those empty wine bottles, but don’t dwell on it).

Here’s a brief overview of a few common cat sleeping positions and what they mean:

Curled up.

This croissant-like position is meant to keep you safe and cozy. The cat curls its limbs inside its body to protect itself and preserve body heat. Practical and cute.

Half-closed eyes

If your cat is napping with one eye open, it means they are staying alert. This is especially common in newly adopted cats or cats that are adjusting to a new environment. Please be patient and they will soon relax.


Ah, the classic pose. With its paws neatly curled underneath its body, this pose shows that your cat is comfortable, but still ready to take action if needed. Think of it as your cat’s version of “standby mode”.

Side Lying

When your cat is lying on its side, napping, it’s a sign that it feels safe and secure in its surroundings. Celebrate this small victory – you’re doing great!

Jiu-Jitsu Performer

You’ve seen this pose before. This wildly contorted pose makes you wonder about the laws of physics. Cats only perform this maneuver when they are completely relaxed. No explanation is needed.

Belly to the Sky

Prepare confetti! If your cat is snoozing on its back, it means it is very comfortable and trusts you completely. This is the ultimate sign of approval from your cat. Award this one a gold star!

Why do cats sleep on you?

Let’s be honest, cats always give the impression of being aloof, but can we take a moment to appreciate the magic of a cat falling asleep on your chest? Is there anything better than that? (Spoiler alert: there isn’t.

So why does your cat have to turn you into their personal mattress? Here are the reasons behind these sweet snuggles:

  • Seeking Warmth: Cats love warmth, and your body is basically a cozy, purring heater. Perfect for napping.
  • Intimate Time: When cats snuggle up to each other, it’s called “cuddling”. When they do this to you, it’s their way of saying, “You’re my master.” This should bring tears of joy to your eyes.
  • Marking territory: Cats are territorial animals, and sleeping on you is their way of saying, “This one is mine.” It’s a little possessive, but it’s cute, right?

How long do cats sleep?

Be prepared: Cats sleep anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day. Envious? Me too. If you work from home and notice your cat napping a lot, don’t stress. Cats are naturally nocturnal, so they do most of their activity after dark. (Ahem, snoring. Ahem.)

Do kittens sleep a lot?

Are you ready? Kittens sleep 20 hoursa day! Their petite bodies need to work overtime to grow and develop, so sleep is an absolute necessity. They spend most of the day napping, with occasional bursts of chaotic kitten energy.

Whether you’re curious about your cat’s quirky habits or just want to spoil them with the best care possible, Zera can help you celebrate all things feline. Because let’s be honest, cats deserve the world.

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