If food is a way to show love, it’s only human to share a tasty treat with your furry pet. While many human foods are safe for dogs, some can be harmful or even dangerous. Therefore, it is vital to know which fruits and vegetables are dog-friendly.
It is also important to check if your dog is allergic to certain foods, especially during festive seasons when food is prevalent, such as the holidays. Many seasonal treats can be dangerous for your pet. The same principle applies to dog food – it’s vital to know what’s in your pet’s meal. Knowing how to read dog food labels can help you make informed choices for your dog’s health.
Can my dog eat winter vegetables?
Adding high-fiber dog treats or dog treats with limited ingredients to your pet’s diet can make a world of difference, especially if they contain nutrient-dense winter vegetables. While they may not be your preferred snack, these vegetables are full of vitamins and nutrients that benefit your dog’s overall health. However, it’s important to know which winter vegetables are safe and how to consume them properly. Here’s a breakdown of some of the seasonal vegetables you may come across:
Can my dog eat cabbage?
When consumed in moderation, cabbage is a safe and healthy dog food choice. As a nutrient-dense vegetable, it can be a good supplement to a good quality dog food. However, be aware that overconsumption of cabbage can lead to bloat in your dog’s intestines! Feed small amounts to keep your fur child comfortable.
Can my dog eat Brussels sprouts?
Brussels sprouts are another nutrient-rich vegetable that’s perfect for dogs. It’s full of antioxidants and vitamins that can complement a healthy diet. However, just like cabbage, these veggies can cause bloat, so they should be fed in small amounts to avoid unpleasant odors.
Can my dog eat broccoli?
Rich in fiber and vitamin C, broccoli is a low-fat vegetable that is good for your dog’s health. However, broccoli buds contain isothiocyanates, which may cause stomach upset in some puppies. To avoid choking, cut broccoli into small pieces and feed occasionally.
Can my dog eat kale or kale stems?
Kale may be a superfood for humans, but it’s not the best choice for your dog. This leafy green vegetable contains high levels of calcium oxalate, which can lead to kidney stones or bladder stones. When planning your dog’s meals, it’s best to skip kale altogether.
Can my dog eat winter fruits?
Winter fruits can be added to your dog’s diet as a tasty and healthy treat, especially to high-fiber puppy food or dog food with limited ingredients. These fruits can provide sweet and nutritious treats, but it’s important to know which ones are safe. Apples, pears and bananas are great choices that provide fiber and essential vitamins.
As with any snack, moderation is key. Eating too much fruit may upset your dog’s stomach. Be sure to remove seeds, cores and hard skins and introduce new fruits gradually to ensure they are suitable for your dog’s digestive system.
Can my dog eat pears?
Pears are a great snack for dogs, rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber. For humans, pears have even been linked to a lower risk of stroke! When giving your dog pears, be sure to remove the seeds and core, as they contain traces of cyanide. Cut the fruit into small pieces to make it easier for your dog to eat, and avoid canned pears, which usually contain a lot of syrup. Stick to fresh pears for health benefits.
Can my dog eat oranges?
Oranges are safe for dogs to eat as a refreshing vitamin-rich snack. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, and in small amounts can be a tasty addition to dog food. However, some dogs may not like the strong citrus flavor. Be sure to remove the peel and seeds before giving your dog orange slices.
Can my dog eat grapefruit?
While dogs can technically eat grapefruit flesh, most dogs don’t like its bitter flavor. Grapefruit is highly acidic and can cause digestive discomfort, so it’s best to avoid this fruit altogether. If you do feed your dog grapefruit, make sure you only eat the flesh and not the peel, which can be harmful to dogs.
If you have a new dog in your home, it’s also important to consider its overall environment and care. For more information on what to buy and what to prepare, check out what to buy to welcome a new dog home. This can help ensure that your furry friend is comfortable and well cared for from the start.
While it’s tempting to share your favorite snack with your furry friend, it’s important to remember that some human foods are harmful to dogs. Even safe snacks should only be fed in small amounts occasionally. This list is not exhaustive, so if your dog asks you for a plate of food, it’s best to consult your veterinarian first. If in doubt, the safest thing to do is to stick to feeding a high quality dog food.
At Zera, we recommend trying a few other options such as limited ingredient dog food or raw food, both of which offer many health benefits for your dog. If you want to really pamper your dog and give him the best dog food, try Zera’s human grade dog food. It’s the ultimate way to show your dog more love while keeping them happy and healthy.
Updated January 9, 2024