Dogs are natural scavengers, even though they live comfortably in your home. Because of this, they can enjoy a variety of foods, including some seasonal fruits and vegetables. If you’re wondering what spring produce your dog can safely consume, Zera has a helpful guide for you. Here are some spring fruits and vegetables that your dog might enjoy.
Spring Vegetables
Most spring vegetables are safe for dogs, but garlic, onions and similar plants must be avoided as they are toxic to dogs.
Can my dog eat mushrooms?
Yes, dogs can eat mushrooms, but always make sure they are a safe variety. Just like humans, some mushrooms are poisonous, so it’s better to buy ready-made mushrooms to be on the safe side.
Can my dog eat artichokes?
It’s perfectly fine for dogs to eat artichokes in moderation. They can safely eat whole artichokes.
Can my dog eat radishes?
Small amounts of radishes are safe for dogs and can even help clean their teeth.
Can my dog eat asparagus?
Yes, dogs can eat asparagus, but only in small amounts. Too much asparagus can upset their stomach.
Can my dog eat lettuce?
Lettuce is safe for dogs and can be used as a crunchy snack that they love.
Can my dog eat zucchini?
Zucchini is a great vegetable to include in your dog’s diet and can be eaten regularly.
Spring Fruits
Some spring fruits are suitable for dogs, while others should be avoided. For example, grapes are highly toxic to dogs and should never be fed.
Can my dog eat pineapple?
Pineapple is safe for dogs when consumed in small amounts. However, if consumed in excess, its naturally sweet flavor may cause stomach upset.
Can my dog eat rhubarb?
Dogs can eat the fruit of the rhubarb plant, but the leaves are poisonous and should be avoided completely.
Can my dog eat strawberries?
Strawberries in moderation are a safe and tasty snack for dogs.
Can my dog eat mangoes?
Yes, dogs can eat mangoes. Because mangoes are so soft, you don’t even need to cut it up first – your dog will probably enjoy chewing on the whole mango.
Can my dog eat cherries?
Cherries are safe for dogs as long as the pits are removed beforehand.
If you’re curious about other dog behaviors, like why they eat grass, check out our article Why My Dog Eats Grass for more information. With Zera’s guide, you can rest assured about which spring fruits and vegetables your furry friend will enjoy. Remember, moderation is key, and always consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about your dog’s diet.